Stories & Events

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Sleep Tight Tonight partners with pastors and nonprofits from Russia

Sleep Tight Tonight Shines Light Into The Former Soviet Union

Sleep Tight Tonight is pleased to announce that our support efforts have extended to the region formerly known as the Soviet Union. Due to the current instability and unrest in the area, we must prioritize the safety and protection of the pastors, leaders, and initiatives with which we are involved. Despite these challenges, we are committed to providing an overview of our ongoing efforts.

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Sleep Tight Tonight Partners with P-Luv-z

Sleep Tight Tonight partners with Paula Love. P-Luv’z mission is to provide human resources and assistance to disadvantaged children, at-risk youth, homeless citizens, low-income families, displaced veterans, individuals overcoming addiction, and those transitioning back into the community from incarceration. Our resources include food, clothing, personal hygiene items, counseling, guidance, job placement information, and financial support when available.

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Odette Carreiro and son, Mark at St. Amant Centre, Canada

Sleep Tight Tonight Partners with St. Amant in Canada

How Sleep Tight Tonight Got Involved?
While vacationing in Mexico, one of Sleep Tight Tonight’s leaders had the great privilege of meeting Odette. During their conversation, it became clear that Sleep Tight Tonight and Odette are involved in similar work—helping those who are disadvantaged and often forgotten. This immediate connection led STT to assist Odette with a project she was currently involved in.

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Empowering Belize: Our Journey to Make a Difference

Imagine a country with breathtaking natural beauty, yet overshadowed by the harsh grip of poverty. That’s Belize, where we, Sleep Tight Tonight, alongside our ambassador Mr. Alvin Mark are committed to bringing hope and support to those in need. Inspired by the legacy of Mr. Alvin’s mother, we’re dedicated to continuing her work and making a positive impact on her homeland.

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